This was a fun spring layout I did tonight of my daughter with a sassy grin on her face. I used all products. They were
Amanda Sok's Hannah Collection,
Amanda Sok's Sassy Pants Collection,
Syndee Nuckles SS Paper Templates "Get The Edge 2",
Syndee Nuckles Embossed Spring Style. On Syndee's "Get The Edge 2" paper templates, I applied her Embossed Spring style. I then made it look like I took sandpaper to the paper template by adding in white highlights, outer/inner glows with a down bevel.
On my daughter's picture, I applied color fillers of pink, yellow and purple.To get the look of my daughter being printed out on the pink embossed paper - I first took a copy of my daughter and clipped it to the paper template. Then, I took a copy of the same paper template, and applied the Embossed Spring style to it.
I made sure that my picture paper template, and my embossed spring paper template where in exact matching location on my layout.
I then went back to my clipped picture, and erased out the background from around my daughter. Changed the opacity to allow the pink embossed spring paper template to show through.
Finally, I used Amanda Sok's Hannah Print embellishment, and changed the opacity around 15%. I layered it around my daughter's face and erased any part of the print that went off the pink embossed paper. I used a wordart and some bling/bling to show that Girls Rule. LOL :)
Thanks for looking!