Being creative either by working with my art mediums or on my computer, I have always used colors to convey emotions of my artwork, photos, or scrapbooking works. Colors help tell your story. I have kept a diary from over the years and thought I would share my writings with all of you.
Red: Love, Anger, Power, Excitement, Danger, Action, Intensity, Attitude, Passion, Drama, Heat, Speed, Emphasis, Maturity, Femininity.
Orange: Tropics, Sunny Days, Strength, Safety, Energy, Honor, Gluttony, Opposition
Yellow: Light, Cheeriness, Hope, Prosperity, Sensationalism, Caution
Green: Nature, Serenity, Freshness, Rejuvenation, Money, Youth, Balance, Luck
Blue:Clarity, Loyalty, Discipline, Tranquility, Strategy, Sadness, Universe, Winning, Coldness, Divinity
Purple: Royalty, Distinction, Pretension, Bravery, Mourning, Forgiveness, Unexpected
If you have any additions to my list, please let me know...I would love it! Thanks!